Outdoor Leadership Academy Overnight Adventure Opportunity in Snow Canyon
By Aubrey Gurney, UMAC Intern
The Outdoor Leadership Academy is a unique organization that not only provides students from underrepresented communities with leadership opportunities but also outdoor adventures. Instead of having a leadership conference inside, the OLA takes its members outside to enjoy national parks, camping, white water rafting and more. These trips help students develop the crucial leadership skills they will need to become strong leaders.
“The outdoor leadership academy has and will continue to leave a great impact on my life,” Hannah Flores, an OLA member, said. “It has opened me to many new experiences in leadership, new friendships, and most importantly made me aware of what our national parks have to offer.”
When the pandemic hit, OLA postponed its trips, leaving students with no opportunities to participate in any group activities, until now. The OLA is excited to announce that it will be taking a group of students on an overnight adventure. The overnight trip will take place at Snow Canyon State Park on April 2-3, 2021, and will follow all COVID-19 guidelines.
“With all the mandates and restrictions surrounding COVID-19, we have been unable to provide an opportunity quite like this in a long time,” Erin O’Brien the Director of the OLA said. “We will be requiring masks and other safety precautions to make sure it is a COVID free zone, but still provide an experience people deserve.”
With these trips, the OLA is looking to build up underrepresented communities and give students the ability to experience a new way of life they might have never been able to experience before, while also providing opportunities for students to gain leadership skills they will use for the rest of their lives.
“Giving other minorities who have not explored or had any outdoor opportunities or exposure is something that should be taken advantage of, I highly recommend that students join OLA and participate on these trips,” Flores said.
To learn about the OLA and sign up for future trips, visit their website.