Trailblazer Symposium for Research, Innovation, and Creativity

By Lilian White

Come explore the many research activities happening on campus by joining us at the Trailblazer Symposium on April 21, 2023.

The Trailblazer Symposium is a forum for academic and intellectual exchange, providing a platform for UT students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the local community to showcase their research, innovations, and creative projects.

The event features a variety of formats for presentations, including talks, posters, performances, and displays, offering a range of opportunities for participants to share their work and ideas. It aims to foster collaboration and build new partnerships between the campus and the community, encouraging active scholars at various stages in their careers to network and collaborate.

The event is free and open to all. See you there!

Visit Our Website

For event details such as presentation schedules and locations, please visit the Research Office website.

Trailblazer Symposium